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@Ronn - Nice to hear that Fringe will be influencing the future generation of storytellers! If we are indeed in a different universe, then bringing Peter back to the moment when he left the original timeline does make sense. But, I still have my suspicious that they're still in that same \"universe\" you mentioned as well. I can't really think of why Nina would do something to Olivia either. And maybe the injection is meant to look like something with evil intent, but could be just Nina looking out for Olivia. But it certainly would be interesting if it involved Peter somehow. Yeah, I noticed the ratings were steady too (steady at its all time low of course). I don't have any Fringe finale predictions...this is one show that I have no idea where it's heading and what its ultimate goal is. I know the producers have said they have enough ideas to get them through 7 seasons...but I think each season is designed where they could bring some type of closure early. I don't think they'll leave us hanging if they know that the end is imminent. (at least that's my hope) I do wonder what this Man with the X on his shirt (from the animated episode) is and why Olivia confidently and calmly knows that he is going to kill her. I wonder what the long-term implications of that scene will be. I wonder how integral the Observer's story is to the end of the show. I'd like to know more about them...where they come from, what their full story is. But, I'm not sure if FRINGE ever intends to really go there. I'd like to see them repair the damage between the 2 universes for good...and as Fringe always does...provide some sense of hope for the future. I guess we'll see what happens! @Sminkey - Thanks buddy on the congrats! But, I do not know this \"butzo\" you refer to! I think the show is very much in jeopardy of being cancelled. It was in jeopardy last season as well, but FOX decided to keep it on the Friday slate for at least one more season (because the powers that be are fans of the show as well). But the ratings keep going down and down. And Grimm succeeding in the same timeslot certainly isn't going to help things. But, Fringe fans are resilient and something tells me that they'll start getting some campaigns together again like they did last year. But, the problem is...some of those fans are frustrated with the direction this season has taken so far. Add on to that the interruptions by baseball and the producers didn't even get to tell the full story they intended to this it will leave those frustrated fans...frustrated for weeks to come into this hiatus instead of picking up a scent of where this season is headed. Maybe I'm overreacting and things are just fine. But the ratings I read each week and the critics and fan reactions to those ratings are enough to cause me concern. We'll see! Agreed on Alcatraz. I am still planning on covering that show for the time being. But we'll see what happens with the newborn around!
@Bill - You spelled Cortexiphan right. It certainly could be what they're injecting into her. I would agree that it's most likely not for Olivia's benefit. I was just throwing out an alternate way to look at it. Yeah, it makes sense that it's on hiatus. Most shows do take a hiatus after November sweeps because of the holiday season. People are out shopping, gathering with family for various events...not a big time to be watching TV. But it is earlier than last year. (Fringe aired eps up to December 9th. I remember because I was on vacation when it aired!) What sucks is that they didn't air all the episodes they wanted to air this year because of the world series. But it will make for one helluva return! Hopefully the ratings will be there to support it. As far as the writers taking a gamble...that's what I love about FRINGE. They knew going into season 3 that they lost the MASS Audience appeal, and they knew that the fans they had with them were in it for the long haul and would look forward to all of the weird twists they would throw our way. That's why it confuses me to what these fans were looking for. It may seem like starting over, but it's all part of the longer story that Fringe is trying to tell. I have no doubt that the time we're spending in this altered state (maybe permanent, maybe just this season) will contribute to the entire story of Fringe. For people to be abandoning it and not trusting the producers after they have gotten us this far, it just doesn't make sense to me. But, I guess we all look for different things in a show.I don't think the show went off tangent...I think they had several plot threads that all demand attention. The 2 Universes has still been in the backdrop of these early episodes....just this past episode had Walter using the other side's technology to determine if there were tears over here. The thing is..the NEXT episode was/is going to deal with the 2 universes in a major way. That's why it's upsetting that we're not seeing it until next year now. The exact impression that you have with the show right the impression that is going to simmer on for weeks now instead of giving fans like you hope for things to come. I blame Mother Nature and the St. Louis Cardinals. I partially blame the Phillies for not taking care of business with the Cards in their series! :-) Since the FOX powers that be are fans of Fringe, I would think they'd work something out with the writers to give Fringe a suitable ending. We'll see! And thanks for the luck with the new addition! We'll need it! FYI to all - Working on The Walking Dead recap now.
Well there you have it Fringe fans....Better start telling anyone you know that cares about the show to start sitting their ass down in front of the tv on Friday nights instead of relying on the DVR. It sounds like ratings would be fine if half the fans of the show actually watched it on the network.Bill B
Bill, the problem is that the only people that can bring up the ratings are Nielsen families. And to be honest, I have never met one person that has a nielsen box in their home. It's a dated system and it's ridiculous that we're still measuring a show's success based on it. But it's the only way to tell that people are sitting there watching commercials. TV Studios/Advertisers I'm sure realize that times have changed and they need to come up with a new way of doing things. It's probably why the DVR+7 statistics exist now, but it does no good to advertisers. I've read conflicting arguments that DVR stats only count if you watch commercials on the DVR too, but based on that article I referenced, it doesn't sound like that's true. No idea. In any case, I think what Fringe DOES have going for it is its cult following and people that DO download episodes off iTunes, Amazon, whatever or that still watch on DVR. I know I own Seasons 1-3 on Blu-Ray so there are fans that will purchase the show even if they've already seen it. There are different financial aspects that come into play that might keep Fringe on the air rather than it's LIVE TV ratings. FOX was aware of all of this when they put it on Friday. (and let's not forget that the international audiences are probably higher for Fringe as well) Now, I said all of that Positive stuff, the ratings are still piss poor and when it comes to renewal time, they're going to look at all of their high concept dramas, and the timeslots that they have to fill. Unfortunately, Fox only airs 2 hours of Primetime programming a night instead of the 3 that the other networks do. And X-Factor/American Idol take up like 3-4 hours of their week for the season now. So you have Terra Nova, Alcatraz, Touch (Fox Favorite Keifer Sutherland returning to the network) and Fringe. They're not likely to keep all 4 of those. The Fox execs love the Fringe story, but will it be enough to keep it on the air I'm guessing it's going to be a tough decision...and we'd be LUCKY if we get a 13 episode send-off next season. I'll stay positive, and with a baby in the house, I'll most likely be home on Friday nights so I'll watch live (making me feel better even though it doesn't mean anything). And maybe the upcoming plot excitement in January will bolster the Fringe Fandom. But outside of that, things just aren't looking good for the show. The best we can do now is just hope that the producers/writers will be given ample time to provide the show with a satisfying conclusion, and based on things that I've read (referenced articles), it's highly likely that will happen.
One of the places I've been spending more time the past few months is a subreddit called r/makinghiphop. It's certainly not the subreddit I would have expected to be hanging out in, but it's been a great resource for feedback as I've been working on There Is No_System.
Every week they have a handful of different competitions that are mostly just meant as a creative challenge. There are challenges for low-fi hip-hop (the study-beats you've probably listened to one afternoon or late night while you were trying to