File: Scripts.rpa ...
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Then load the website in the web browser and add ¯o=YourMacro - and the macro runs automatically! To skip the \"Do you want to run this macro\" question, add the \"direct=1\" switch to your local file URL (file:///...).
Example: A Windows batch file to run the RPA software from the command line on looks like this: \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe\" \"file:///D:/test/¯o=MyLogin&savelog=c:/test/log1.txt\" The macro specified with macro=MyLogin is run. Note that you must use file:/// for the file path. If you would just start with \"C:\\...\" you will get a \"file not found\" error for the HTML file due to the appended \"direct=1¯o=MyLogin&closeRPA=1&savelog=log1.txt\" GET parameters. Windows is used as an example here, the command line feature also works on Mac and Linux as well. \"\" is the exported launch page. IMPORTANT: Macro and Folder names are CASE-SENSITIVE.
A longer command line, this time with Firefox: \"C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\" \"file:///D:/test/\" In this example we use the command line send some values to the macro and we close the RPA software and browser after the macro is done.
On MacOS you need to use AppleScript to start Chrome/Firefox with the file url. If you would only use the OPEN command, then the GET parameters behind the are lost. You can get AppleScript executed from a bash script or function, or from a Terminal by just prefixing it with \"osascript\". So the correct command line syntax for Mac is osascript -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\" to open location \"file:///Users/t/\"' Thanks to user Shunt/Timo for the forum post Launching UI.Vision RPA from Command Line on a Mac. We used their feedback to update this section.
The actual game data is packaged in four Ren'Py archive files: scripts.rpa, images.rpa, audio.rpa, and fonts.rpa. Any of these files can be replaced to change the relevant contents of the game. However, in practice, only scripts.rpa usually needs to be replaced, as references to objects in the other archives can be changed in the script files without modifying the original assets. 59ce067264