Download File Prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn
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I am building my custom board based on Linaro linux 17.06.1 without SD card.To flash the firmware the first time, I plan to use QFIL tool. This tool requires programmer path and XML build file. I am not sure what those files are. Should I use the bootloader_emmc_linux bootloader files given here What about the XML file
This page outlines steps needed to recover your DragonBoard 410c board from a bricked software state. This instruction set is suggested to those who are experiences boot issues due to a corrution in the file system and/or other software components.
In most cases this will be your sure-fire way to recover your board from a software bricked state. A recovery image has been created and made ready to be flashed onto a micro SD card. Simply download the SD card recovery image, and follow the sd card installation instructions found on our Installation page.
In many cases, simply re-flashing the bootloader, boot image, and root file system, using the fastboot method is enough. While the generic fastboot method might not always work due to certain complications, the sd card recovery image is always available (as seen above).
If the flashing process succeeded, all the right bootloaders and partition table should have been set. And fastboot can now be used to flash Linux root file system. The first thing to try is to get into fastboot, to make sure the flashing completed properly.
Conclusion: Using the Physical Extraction technology to investigate the smartphone which was equipped with Qualcomm and MediaTek chipset, we can easily make a bit-by-bit image file from its flash memory even though the smartphone is abnormal: locked or broken. Moreover, not only the normal data can be extracted, but also the deleted and hide data can be extracted by our Physical Extractors. 781b155fdc